At a Glance.

A pioneer in Skills and Talent Development since 1981, provides diverse learning solutions worldwide. With expertise in corporate, institutional, and individual training across 40+ countries, NIIT offers innovative learning management systems. Its three global divisions cater to Corporate Learning, Skills and Career Development, and School Education, fostering limitless tech exploration.

We Have The Best Instructors Available in The City

We use a unique method of teaching: LACC - Learning Architecture Based on Constructive Criticism. Our teachings are classroom based and instructor led. Our instructors are certified in their various fields, they are friendly and always willing to help and mentor students through their career path.

Online tutoring
50+ courses
Active Learning
Digital Oasis


What Our Students Say About Us?

A few words from our students and team...

Attending NIIT was a game changer! The hands-on approach and knowledgeable instructors made learning enjoyable. In just 6 months, I gained invaluable skills that I know will propell my career in tech. I highly recommend it!


Emmanuella .N.F David Briggs


During my time at NIIT, I had the priviledge of learning from knowledgeable tutors who enriched my skill set. Additionally, I forged valuable connections that furtheer enhanced my abilities in IT. NIIT provided an environment conducive to growth and networking, which greatly benefited my professional development.


Mgbah Michael


NIIT exceeded my expectations. The instructors were not only experts in the feild but also incredibly supportive. The small class sizes fostered a collaborative learning environmnt. I feel confident and well-prepared for my future in tech.


Ezeakor Kamsie


Choosing NIIT is the best decision I made in my career. The curriculum was comprehensive, covering the latest indusrty trends, Thanks to their career services I know I'm in for a joy ride. Thank you NIIT!


Abidoye Emmanuel


I can't thank NIIT enough for the tranformative experience! From coding bootcamps to project-based learning. Every aspect of the program was tailored to industry needs. The alumni network is sttrong, providing endlesss opportunities for growth


Chita Ezechi


NIIT's commitment to student's success is unparalled. The supportive faculty and career advisors guided me every step of the way. Through their industry connections and job placement assistance I'm sure to get a lot more busy in due time.


Duru Favour


Celebrating my time at NIIT! the dynamic course work and access to cutting-edge recources honed my tech prowess. Grateful for the personalized atteention from mentors, which accelerated my learning journey. Proud to say, ready to tackle any challenge!


Bright Macleans


NIIT IS A WELL-KNOWN ESTABLISHMENT, the quality in education the offer is top-tier, the ability for them to teach a course effectively within a limited timespan is incredible and I can say if you put your mind to it you'll leave full of knowledge.


Ide Alexius


It was a really good time for me, I learned a whole lot. The tutors are really good at their jobs and the environment is really friendly and conducive.


Wereloo Justice


I have done three courses within the space of four years, and I must say, it's an amazing instituion that gives the neccessary boost to start your career. It has a really friendly learning environment. You get to meet and learn alongside people from different spheres in life: different ages, race and so on. An amazing place indeed.


Esther Briggs


NIIT offers a robust educational platform for aspiring tech professionals. While dedication to courses is essential, it's important to understand that success, like that of Elon Musk, requires more than just a three-month commitment. However, these courses serve as a solid starting point on your path to achieving your goals in the tech industry.


Frank Addo


I took the web design and web development course at NIIT for 6 months. I am very glad I made this decision, it's a huge boost to my skill-set.


Enyineh Hills

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We'd like to introduce the head of our faculty, an accomplished professional in their field with a wealth of experience and knowledge. Their leadership and expertise ensure that our team is well-equipped to provide the highest quality service to our clients.

Precious Ogulu Tom

Operations Manager NIITph

Let me specially welcome you to this exciting world of Information Technology and invaluable digital skills. The popularity of IT in this generation stems from the fact that its knowledge is a veritable tool to attaining global relevance. It is one human endeavour when embraced early, yields untold dividends that could outlive one’s generation. Most innovative ventures in the digital world were carried out by young people who had embraced ICT earlier in life. This is because the youthful stage is characterized with onerous desires for independence and guaranteed livelihood. This stage makes for innovation and creativity thus, energies not properly channelled for optimum utility shall be wasted. There is no gainsaying therefore that most criminal activities in our society today are perpetrated by youths who are easily exploited and lured into criminality and other social vices instigated by peer pressure in order to meet and take care of perceived responsibilities. Albeit the indictment on some youths, they are still useful to the society if their strength is adequately harnessed. Arguably, the youthful age is bedevilled with several challenges and it’s even more challenging during the transition stage to adulthood. Youths at this stage not only feel sense of responsibility but also have the quest to sustainable development and entitlement. The major challenge to this transition is unemployment. It poses a great hindrance to the smooth transition thus adding to the herculean task of creating a legitimate source of livelihood. The struggle to afford the good things of life itches more on youths with the humblest of backgrounds hence they delve into crime, drug abuse, to mention but a few. The only panacea is gainful employment and positive creativity through ICT. History has shown that nations who experienced development and industrialization invested positively in the lives of their youths. They transformed the innovative possibilities of the younger generation into gainful ventures using ICT as a veritable tool. No doubt, four out of every five youths on the Nigerian streets are driven by ICT. On daily basis, tech gurus scout for young ICT professionals to either develop or improve new computer applications to support business growth. The ICT sector is experiencing a continued shortfall in manpower and as a result IT firms struggle to find suitably qualified and skilled ICT personnel as round pegs in round holes. Sequel to the above , most corporate bodies outsource their ICT needs to consultants. In Nigeria, according to NBS, ICT sector contributed 16.22% to the Nigerian GDP in 2022 showing more entrance and investment into the sector. It is estimated that in the next eight years, the ICT sector will generate more revenue than the oil sector especially with the prevalence of the 4th industrial revolution globally. Thus, the ICT sector has been seen in recent times as an archetypal entrepreneurial sector. It helps youths to be gainfully employed as well as be employers of labour. It is one of the surest ways to explore one’s youthful innovations and keep out of societal vices such as kidnapping, drug abuse, economic sabotage etc. A number of ICT graduates have chosen self-employment as a career choice above being employed in a business and have become successful entrepreneurs all over the globe. As a leading trainer in the ICT industry with requisite professional personnel, NIIT-Port Harcourt is a place that redirects your innovative tendencies to gainful ventures and creates a society of entrepreneurs and business architects who build a varied and strong business ethical values with the aim of profit making. It is no news that three out of every five ICT staff in multi-national firms go through the tutelage of NIIT structured ICT training in the Nigerian industry. NIIT has built millions of Nigerians in this career path. With a well-structured curriculum and adequately qualified faculties, NIIT- Port Harcourt prides itself as a leading ICT hub within the South South region of Nigeria. We offer a lasting panacea to this onerous youth restiveness and avail youths the opportunity to use their God-given innovative acumen towards self-actualization as we offer two major pathways either within one to six months (Short courses) training ranging from foundation programs to professional programs or two years intensive study in Diginxt Master Mind Series (MMS); Software Engineering with a year top up in universities abroad. This Program (MMS) affords trainees the opportunity to earn a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Degree in Software Engineering, Information Technology Systems, or Computer Science within a period of three years. Two years of intense studies here in our Port-Harcourt Centre facility and one-year top-up with universities abroad. Upon completion of the program, trainees shall have both professional and academic certificates in ICT. Finally, it’s my pleasure to welcome you once again on board this revolutionary and innovative voyage; the NIIT world, as you decisively tow the path that will turn around your fortunes and put you in a very strong position for greatness. Feel free to contact us for more information.

Thank you.
Ogulu, Precious Tom (FIMC CMC)
Centre Head,
NIIT Port Harcourt.

Ibigbari Eretoru

Chief Counsellor NIITph

"I've worked at NIIT for over a decade, working with customers and conflict resolution with clients ensuring that they are satisfied has been my utmost priority. So basically, I'm into training and consultancy. We have what it takes to help you build a career in IT, for you to start your journey here.

We have trained tutors that certify in their various fields. They'll help you and guide you- They will mentor you. When they(we) see opportuntities , we refer students, lead them so they(you) can be their(your) best."


Meet our diverse faculty team dedicated to empowering students through innovative teaching methods and cutting-edge technologies on campus.


Data Analysis Faculty

Jesse Joseph

Multimedia Faculty




Java Faculty

Mercy Ben

Logic Faculty


Microsoft Package(MIS) Faculty

Wisdom Kings

Web Design/Development Faculty

Victoria Ama-boms
